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What is a living graph?

In terms of knowledge representation, a living graph (also referred to as a "lifeline", "living timeline" or "fortune line".) is a graph similar to a chronology timeline which places events along a vertical axis to reflect changes over time. The vertical axis can be used to represent many factors, such as relative importance,...

What is a line chart?

Edit and Download Line charts, or line graphs, are powerful visual tools that illustrate trends in data over a period of time or a particular correlation. For example, one axis of the graph might represent a variable value, while the other axis often displays a timeline.

What is a chart used for?

A chart or a graph condenses information into a format that is easy to read. It is an important component of financial reports or research studies. Graphs or charts are also a great teaching tool. They can be used for everything from teaching a child colors to explaining complex scientific or mathmatical concepts to university students.

What are the different types of charts?

Types of Charts to Use for Your Data 1 Column Chart 2 Bar Graph 3 Line Graph 4 Dual Axis Chart 5 Area Chart 6 Stacked Bar Graph 7 Mekko Chart 8 Pie Chart 9 Scatter Plot Chart 10 Bubble Chart More items...

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